Declining or cancelling a booking
Completing the pre-hire checklist
Completing the post-hire checklist
How can I submit my pre- and post-hire checklists if I’m out of service?
Post-hire damages or additional charges
Can I have two bookings in one day?
Can the hirer postpone instead of cancel?
Verification of hirers
At Camplify, we take the verification of potential hirers seriously due to the risks involved in renting out your RV. To check the identity of hirers, we have measures in place.
Hirers must create a Camplify account and provide personal information, including their full name, email, phone number, and license details. International hirers will be asked to provide a copy of their passport and international driver's license if a reciprocal arrangement between countries is not in place.
All hirers, including those who have rented through the platform before, are verified for each booking. We encourage you to be diligent in checking hirers and ask relevant questions to ensure you can rent your RV confidently.
Once the hirer has made payment, and leading up to the booking, you will receive the hirer's personal information. During the handover, it's essential to physically check the hirer's license and take a photo of it as part of the pre-hire checklist. Licenses of any additional authorised drivers must also be included in the pre-hire checklist for damage cover.
Booking terminology
"Pending" - an inquiry has been made and the owner has not confirmed the booking.
"Approved - Unpaid" - you accept the booking and your calendar dates are now blocked out for this period. Camplify sends an email to the hirer to pay the deposit of 25% to confirm the booking.
"Paid" - the hirer's booking is paid and confirmed.
"Declined" or "Not Now" - you have declined their request.
"Cancelled" - either the booking was pending, approved, paid, and later cancelled by you or the hirer.
"Completed" - the hirers' booking has ended and you can give them a review.
Receiving a booking request
When a hirer chooses your RV, you will receive a "Booking Request" marked as "Pending." You will be notified through various channels such as text messages, email, app notifications, and your Camplify Dashboard.
Once you have received a booking request, it is important to approve it ASAP as hirers may be considering alternative options.
Owners must either approve or decline the request to proceed with the booking.
Approving a booking request
When you approve a booking request, your RV is marked as unavailable for the selected calendar dates, and a payment request is sent to the hirer. Camplify communicates to hirers that they need to make payment within 72 hours to avoid automatic cancellation. It is recommended that you also inform your hirer about this requirement and send a friendly reminder to pay their deposit within 48 hours. If you don't receive a response or the deposit is not made after the 72-hour reminder, the Camplify system will automatically cancel the booking. This will free up your RV to appear in search as available for those dates again and allows you to secure another booking.
If your hirer misses the 72-hour deadline, both you and the hirer will receive an email with the booking details, notifying you of the cancellation. The hirer will then have the opportunity to place another booking request. If your hirer wants to book but won't have payment within 72 hours, it's advisable to suggest that they return to book when they are ready to pay. Alternatively, you can leave the booking as 'pending - not approved' if you wish to accept the booking later but the hirer needs more time to arrange payment.
Please note that the 72-hour countdown begins from the moment you, as the owner, approve the booking. There is currently no timer set for pending bookings. A booking is not confirmed until payment is made, and Camplify will notify both parties once payment is received.
Declining or cancelling a booking
Owners have the flexibility to accept or decline bookings based on their preferences. Declining or cancelling a booking is completed via our app or website, and any funds paid by the hirer will be promptly credited. We understand that circumstances can change, and sometimes it becomes necessary to cancel a booking. The specific entitlements for both parties will be determined by the cancellation policy stated on the booking and the date of cancellation.
Please check the hirer or owner cancellation policy for more information.
Completing the pre-hire checklist
The pre-hire checklist is required for every booking on Camplify, and must be completed via the Camplify Owners app in the presence of the hirer.
This checklist is a safe and secure condition report of the RV before the hirer enjoys their adventure and is essential for assessment in the event of damage or additional charges.
Do not allow your vehicle to depart without submitting the pre-hire checklist first and if your hirer has departed, kindly ask them to pull over and meet them to complete it.
Pre-hire checklist walkthrough.
How can I submit my pre- and post-hire checklists if I’m out of service?
If you’re in a non-service area and need to submit your pre- or post-hire checklists, follow these steps to ensure everything is sent smoothly once you're back in service:
Log into your Camplify account before you enter the area with no service. This will allow you to access the necessary checklists offline.
Complete the checklist as usual, even while out of service. Your device will save the information locally.
Once you're back in an area with service, the checklist will be automatically submitted to Camplify. You don’t need to do anything else; just ensure your device reconnects to a network.
Tip: Always log in to your Camplify account while in a service area to ensure you can access everything you need before heading into a non-service zone.
Communicating with a hirer
Camplify requests that all communication between owners and hirers be conducted through the secure Camplify messaging system available on the app or website. By using this reliable method, Camplify can provide you with support in the event of any concerns or disputes.
Changing booking dates
Once a booking is requested or confirmed, both you and the hirer can propose new dates through the app. These proposed dates are then subject to approval by the other party before being automatically charged.
It's important to note that hirers cannot request changes that reduce the booking duration below your minimum stay requirement or amend dates that have already passed. However, you have the flexibility to propose changes that fall below your designated minimum stay if necessary.
Many owners choose to extend a booking at no charge. In such cases, you can adjust your calendar to reduce the rate for the additional day to a nominal amount, such as $1, and utilise the Edit Booking function to include that day in the changes with a minimal charge. Both parties need to determine who will pay for the AER for that day before contacting Customer Support who will be happy to assist with the adjustments.
Please note, the booking dates must reflect the hirers trip to be covered under the Camplify promise.
Applying a discount
If you wish to apply a discount or a promotion price to any bookings, owners can adjust their pricing in the calendar. Once a booking is confirmed, you will need to contact customer support for a non-urgent booking adjustment.
You must communicate about booking changes through the Camplify messaging platform, as this assists the Camplify staff to confirm the change before actioning it. Discounts will be reflected in the final payment.
Completing the post-hire checklist
Whenever your RV returns from an adventure, it is important to submit the post-hire checklist via the Camplify Owners app. This involves conducting a thorough inspection, gathering feedback from the hirer, and following the steps on the app. You have 48 hours to submit your checklist until it is automatically closed and the booking is considered completed.
Post-hire damages or additional charges
If there has been damage to your RV, or the hirer has incurred additional charges such as tolls, fines, or extra kilometres, it is always recommended that both parties try and resolve the charges privately prior to contacting Camplify. Damage should be recorded in the post-hire checklist and a photo of the odometer reading uploaded to support any claim for excess kilometres. Our team is always happy to assist once details have been submitted via the post-hire checklist.
You can find more information on damages here.
Can I have two bookings in one day?
No, when a hirer makes a booking it is for the 24 hours of that day.
Can the hirer postpone instead of cancel?
Postponing a booking with Camplify is a convenient option that allows the booking to proceed at a different time instead of being cancelled. The price, payments, and conversation remain intact while only the dates change. Postponing is ideal for owners the booking and funds stay with your RV. Payments are not affected as Camplify holds the funds until the beginning of the booking.
What is a high-risk booking?
When receiving a booking request where the hirer wants to embark on a high-risk trip, such as off-road, long-term, or long-distance journeys, you have the discretion to assess and determine if it aligns with your RV's capabilities and your comfort level. If you don't feel comfortable or your RV isn't suitable for the requested trip, it is acceptable to decline the booking. However, if you do agree to a high-risk booking, you take responsibility for any potential consequences.
Before approving a high-risk booking, consider questioning the hirer to ensure they are capable and prepared for the trip. Take the time to thoroughly investigate their itinerary, including the specific destinations they plan to visit to assess whether the financial return justifies the risk involved.
To enhance security, installing a GPS tracker on your RV can provide peace of mind.
Age of drivers
The Camplify Promise excludes drivers under 21 and over 85, and Flexible Members can't hire to people under 25. Please note, all drivers must have a full and valid driver's license (not a provisional license), and hirers under 25 are subject to an additional excess.